Wednesday 27 November 2019

Human Resources start and ... win?

In five years, I have gone from a HR manager to a HR director. And now I want to share my experience, give some advice to beginner eychars and those who are just thinking about this profession. You can’t learn to walk without “cone-filling,” can you?

Who said that “eychars are not born, they become”? I am convinced that they are born. You can work as a personnel specialist only by vocation, just as, for example, as a teacher. I often observe how those who have not taken part in any other field try to become HR managers: say, I don’t like numbers, I’m not the seller, but “I would go to eychars, let them teach me!”

Our work is constant communication with people and making independent decisions. If it’s difficult for you and you are not ready to take responsibility for the fate of others, find a quieter place. If you are determined to devote your life to the difficult task of personnel management, take my advice into account. If you want to work as a HR manager but can not make a good resume, use Human Resources Resume Examples.

Tip 1

Do you want to become an eychar? You have a higher economic, psychological or technical education, you have logical thinking and even play chess - great! Be sure to get a second specialized education, find good courses or modular programs in order to, having studied the entire personnel management, decide which section of work to choose:

    assessment and certification of personnel;
    personnel accounting;
    payment and stimulation of labor;
    staff training and development.

Tip 2

When looking for a job, do not accept the first job offer. In order not to be disappointed in the future, carefully study the company, its place in the market, the requirements of the employer for the position of HR specialist, working conditions.

Tip 3

Reject offers if the requirements for work are formulated “foggy” or too broadly: “We need to put things in order” (and there, they say, we'll see) or “We need an eychar that will do everything.” Check with your employer about your future responsibilities, ask the question: “What problems do you want to solve by hiring an HR manager?”. After hearing the answer, try to assess the general level of the company, its strategic goals, objectives and place of service for personnel management.

Tip 4

If you have no experience yet, try starting with recruiting. Working in a recruitment agency, you can polish communication skills, navigate the specialist market, learn more about various companies.

Tip 5

After working a year or two in the field of recruitment, try to switch to the HR service in order to master the processes of adaptation, assessment and certification of personnel. Choose a job in a company with a well-functioning organizational structure and business processes, where you, as an experienced rector, will undoubtedly be happy to take you.

Tip 6

Study the Labor Code - without knowledge of labor law it is impossible to competently develop the personnel policy of the company.

Tip 7

Having mastered recruiting, processes of adaptation, assessment and certification of personnel, having thoroughly studied the labor legislation, one can begin to participate in the development of compensation and motivation programs of the company, training and development programs.

Tip 8

Try to expand the circle of professional communication in order to be able to consult with HR managers from other companies, exchange experience and, if necessary, coordinate your actions.

Tip 9

Take a course in oratory and get rid of the fear of public speaking - they are an inevitable part of the work of an HR manager.

Tip 10

Now you have already acquired a certain value in the labor market and you can choose your future path: either become the head of the HR service, or work in its divisions, improving in one of the areas.

You have a long way to go, and you can go it! The main thing is to set clear goals for yourself. And get rid of the illusions about the work of a human resources specialist!

Illusion 1. Career Eychara - fast career.

Only experience will help you make a career, and it accumulates over the years.

Illusion 2. Eychar can always find a common language with top managers.

You either accept the rules of the game and then develop your ideas in the company, or look for another job: the fight against windmills is pointless. And do not complain about the owners, just knock on the other door - you will be heard!

Illusion 3. Eychar should be good in relation to all employees of the company.

Eychar must be fair to all employees of the company.

Illusion 4. The work of the eychar is an easy job.

On Friday night, look at yourself in the mirror: do you have the strength to smile?

I wish all personnel management specialists wisdom in decision-making, optimism, patience and perseverance. Reread Richard Bach's “The Seagull” - and good luck in all your endeavors!

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